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At Inland Orthoapedic Surgery & Sports Medicine Clinic, our team is ready to diagnose and correct hip problems accurately and quickly. Sometimes physical therapy is the solution, but other times orthopaedic surgery is needed. Our surgeons will use x-rays, CT scans, MRIs, and other tests to assess and determine the scope of the injury and the best course of action. Our treatment options are highly individualized, ranging from therapy and conservative care to surgical correction. It is our goal to restore range of motion, decrease pain and increase strength. We are dedicated to delivering orthopaedic excellence.

Some of the hip conditions commonly treated at Inland Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine Clinic are:

Bursitis of the Hip

Bursitis of the Hip is nflammation of the bursa. Bursae are small, jelly-like sacs that are located throughout the body, including around the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, and heel. They contain a small amount of fluid, and are positioned between bones and soft tissues, acting as cushions to help reduce friction.

The main symptom of trochanteric bursitis is pain at the point of the hip. The pain usually extends to the outside of the thigh area. In the early stages, the pain is usually described as sharp and intense. Later, the pain may become more of an ache and spread across a larger area of the hip.

Typically, the pain is worse at night, when lying on the affected hip, and when getting up from a chair after being seated for a while. It also may get worse with prolonged walking, stair climbing, or squatting.

Hip bursitis can affect anyone, but it is more common in women and middle-aged or elderly people. It is less common in younger people and in men.

Hip Fracture

A Hip Fracture is a break in the upper portion of the femur (thighbone). Most hip fractures occur in elderly patients whose bones have become weakened by osteoporosis. When a hip fracture occurs in a younger patient, it is typically the result of a high-energy event, such as a fall from a ladder or vehicle collision.

Hip fractures can be very painful. For this reason, prompt surgical treatment is recommended. Treating the fracture and getting the patient out of bed as soon as possible will help prevent medical complications such as bed sores, blood clots, and pneumonia. In very old patients, prolonged bed rest can also lead to disorientation, which makes rehabilitation and recovery much more difficult.

Most hip fractures require surgical treatment within 1 to 2 days of injury. 

Hip Strains/Sprains

A Hip Strain/Sprain occurs when one of the muscles supporting the hip joint is stretched beyond its limit or torn. Strains may be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on the extent of the injury. A severe strain can limit your ability to move your hip.

A hip strain can be an acute injury—meaning that it occurs suddenly, such as from a fall, a stretch injury, or a direct blow during contact sports. Hip strains are also caused by overuse—when the muscle or tendon has slowly become weakened over time by repetitive movements.

Although many hip strains improve with simple home treatment, severe strains may require physical therapy or other medical treatment.

Muscle Strains & Tears
Muscle strains and tears are common soft tissue injuries that can vary in severity. Soft-tissue injuries fall into two basic categories: acute injuries and overuse injuries.
  • Acute injuries are caused by a sudden trauma, such as a fall, twist, or blow to the body. Examples include sprains, strains, and contusions.
  • Overuse injuries occur gradually over time when an athletic or other activity is repeated so often that areas of the body do not have enough time to heal between occurrences. Tendinitis and bursitis are common soft-tissue overuse injuries.
Osteoarthritis of the Hip

Osteoarthritis of the Hip is a common condition that many people develop as they age. Osteoarthritis of the hip causes pain and stiffness. It can make it hard to do everyday activities like bending over to tie a shoe, rising from a chair, or taking a short walk.

Because osteoarthritis gradually worsens over time, the sooner you start treatment, the more likely it is that you can lessen its impact on your life. Although there is no cure for osteoarthritis, there are many treatment options to help you manage pain and stay active.

This hip pain develops slowly and worsens over time, although sudden onset is also possible. Pain and stiffness may be worse in the morning, or after sitting or resting for a while. Over time, painful symptoms may occur more frequently, including during rest or at night.